Puerto Vallarta Celebrates Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
The streets of Puerto Vallarta experience some amazing moments every year from 1st to 12th of December when thousands of people participate in the Festival of “Our Lady of Guadalupe”. On this particular event, a number of festivities, processions, and religious program are held, in which people come not only from Mexico, but also from different neighboring countries.
Thousands of people gather to remember the miraculous appearance on Dec 12, 1531 by the Virgin of Guadalupe to the Indian Peasant Juan Diego. That appearance is remembered today as “Our Lady of Guadalupe” in Spanish “Día de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe”. After the appearance, the image of her was miraculously imprinted on Juan Diego’s cloak, and since that day, the image is on display in the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City.
You can feel a great excitement and discipline in this annual event when people, individuals and in groups, participate in the pilgrimage that goes towards Puerto Vallarta’s Cathedral that is also known as the “Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe”.
The candlelight processions start from Wollworth’s and go the 11 blocks down Juarez Street to the Guadalupe church. During the processions, young warriors dance in the streets, others carry different banners and floats that portray Juan Diego and Virgin Mary. The Cathedral receives the last procession on the eve of the December 12th.
Why 12th of December Has So Much Importance in Puerto Vallarta?
12th December is one of the most important days for the people of Peurto Vallarta for two reasons: the celebration of “Our Lady of Guadalupe” and anniversary of the city. Puerto Vallarta was founded by Don Guadalupe Sanchez on 12th December also.
This beautiful, cultural, and religious event is overwhelmingly celebrated every year in Puerto Vallarta. To celebrate this particular festival, thousands of people come from different neighboring countries, stay in bungalows en Puerto Vallarta, and make the most of the time in different practices done at this festival.